Sunday, February 8, 2009


Well, it has been a hectic and long week and weekend. I still haven't had time to post any pictures. I will make it a priority over winter break. Brady definately is saying MaMa now. He said it Thursday night while we were eating supper and again tonight at supper. He has been trying to cut some more teeth this week. He has been very impatient and cranky. On Saturday he must have gotten that 24 hour stomach bug because when he would eat, he would throw up. The rest of the time he was fine. I think it was the same thing Colby had last Saturday. Anyway, he seems fine after he threw up at midnight last night. It was really annoying because he had it all over his hair, on his pillow, and even in his ear. It was gross. But luckily, he has been fine today. Only three days this week and we get a 5 day weekend. Hooray. Maybe I can get this dirty house clean and get some pictures uploaded. Well, time to finish getting everything packed up for school tomorrow. I hope everyone is doing good.


  1. 5 day weekend???? What's that all about? We're only out for President's Day. I'm jealous. I'm so ready for Spring break it's not even funny. I'm still recovering from Morgan's sleepover this past weekend. I'm too old to stay up that late. Hope your kids can stay well. It's just that time of year I guess.

  2. 5 day weekend??? What's that all about? We're only out for President's Day. I'm jealous. I'm so ready for spring break it's not even funny. I hope your kids can stay well. I guess it's just that time of year though. Take care.

